Scilab 5.5.2 running on macOS Sierra
After the upgrade to macOS Sierra (10.12) Scilab 5.5.2 did not start and displayed the following error message: This version on Scilab will probably fail […]
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After the upgrade to macOS Sierra (10.12) Scilab 5.5.2 did not start and displayed the following error message: This version on Scilab will probably fail […]
Continue reading »My Update of Lightroom 6 fails with the following error message: Lightroom CC (2015.10.1) / 6.10.1 Installation failed. Error Code: U44M1P7. To solve this and […]
Continue reading »To install GNU Octave on a Mac is not as easy as on Microsoft Windows® or GNU/Linux.
Ready-to-use App bundles are outdated and/or do not run reliably. The installation with a package manager as MacPorts or Home Brew does not work out-of-the-box.
This How-To describes how to install Octave 4.0.3 with MacPorts (Version 2.3.4) on Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan). It shows how to avoid pitfalls and workaround bugs.
Continue reading »For the new Ubuntu 20.04-LTS-version Focal Fossa and Dislin 11.3 refer the new article Install DISLIN 11.3 on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa DISLIN is a […]
Continue reading »In Ubuntu Java apps which use Swing’s GTK Look and Feel (LaF) do not appear as native applications. The menus does not have borders and […]
Continue reading »GPS Logger, measuring devices and similar instruments are connected via serial cable to a computer. To find out the correct device name is cumbersome. ShowAllPorts […]
Continue reading »Adobe allows to install Lightroom on two computers independently of the platform. You can install Lightroom on a MacBook and on a Windows-PC without breaking […]
Continue reading »FreeNAS supports the appropriate hardware of the FreeBSD-Version where FreeNAS is based on. But sometimes it is necessary to install a third-party or a self-compiled […]
Continue reading »(Deutsch) FreeNAS unterstützt nativ die jeweilige Hardware, der eingesetzten FreeBSD-Version, auf die es basiert. Eine Übersicht findet man auf der Compatible Hardware Lists. Trotzdem kann es Produkte geben, für die FreeBSD keine Treiber anbietet.
Dieses How-To beschreibt, wie auch unerfahrene Unix-Anwender einen Netzwerkadaptertreiber auf FreeNAS installieren. Als Grundlage dient hier FreeNAS 0.69.2 (Muad’Dib), das auf FreeBSD 6.4 basiert.
Continue reading »If you use FreeNAS or NAS4Free as a file server it is highly recommended to backup your data directories regularly. But often people do not […]
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